Friday, March 27, 2009

La Blogotheque's Take-Away Show series continues to be one of the most endearing things on the internet. Incredible bands jam their hearts out in tiny/random spaces while sidled-up cameras catch every scrunch of their live-singing faces. Below is Sigur Ros being great all over the mother of blasé Parisian cafes. 

Sigur Ros - Við spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Monday, March 23, 2009


My first foray into comic book art is now downloadable! Written and spearheaded by the dynamic Shawn Kittelsen, this black & white edit is just a prelude to the full-color publication that will be out later this year. And if your appetite is whetted by all things paneled, do check out Shawn's other projects here. A fine titter!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

America, Ho!

At a seedy bar and grill, I was recently given a promotional tank top for Wild Turkey's newest ipecac replacement: American Honey. And all it took was a simple sharpie to make it actually respectable! 

Charity Hilarity

They have the same laugh! And does Elmo know what necrophilia is?

Fleshed-Out Request (Of The Whenever)

At the Behest of Shonna B, and her love for a certain doe-eyed droid! A larger version of the design and all its available colors can be seen here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The GIFt of Titters

This image turns out to be hilarious when paired with just about any song of your choosing. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ég Tala Bara Ensku

If you want to learn Icelandic but don't have a native son or dóttir of that enigmatic nation handy; don't skip over to Rosetta Stone looking for a clue, because that gold-plated program's list of languages will disappoint you. But you can put the $500-ish you were going to spend on such fancy software into your personal-habit fund and breathe easy, because the University of Iceland has us all covered. Only a very brief registration is required before you can swim free of charge through the wonderful web-2.0 world of beginner and intermediate language lessons. You'll learn in no time from people like the Radiohead bear's modestly-hot, scantily-clad mom the correct pronunciation of things like handklæði (towel) and sundbolur (bathing suit). Which are important words in a nation whose equivalent of a coffee shop is the local geothermal spa. YES PLEASE.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Intelligent Skepticism & Chubby Cheeks vs. Kent Hovind

[imported from 7/25/08]

The mouths of babes are overrated. The best stuff comes out of the chubby faces of bespectacled, erudite, British adolescents. Watch as schadenfreude subject Kent Hovind takes a well-deserved battering from the charmingly sarcastic logic of the self-styled ThetaOmega in this first of his many-part video series, "Debunking Hovind".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Game Hybrids: One That Actually Works

[imported from 4/15/08]

Though frequently a barrel of titters on their own, some parlor games often seem to lack a crucial element or two that keeps them from being completely awesome. Oftentimes it's easy to correct this; as long as there's enough alcohol in the house, and the game provides enough suitable cues for drinking. However, it's not a cure-all; Monopoly and Life suck no matter what you're sipping on; and you can only spill crappy wine on your friend's Betrayal at House on the Hill board so many times before he bans liquid from the table during play entirely. Besides, there are so many fun games out there that it stands to reason that hybrids of the favorites will be even better than the sum of their parts. Unfortunately, it's actually not that easy to successfully incorporate Taboo's buzzer element into the too-quiet, drawn-out turns of Scrabble; but do not despair! Because as it turns out, there are two old favorites that can be stitched together and shocked into life as the hot monster known as TELEPHONE PICTIONARY!

Now, my idea of a good time is anything involving either misinterpretation or doodling, and Telephone Pictionary brings both of these to the table in a whirl of a good time. For those of you who have never experienced this immaculate hybridization, here are the rules:

Players: Four or more, though things start to get out of hand at around nine players.

Materials: A stack of notecard-ish sized pieces of paper. Every player gets a stack whose number is determined by how many people are playing. i.e., if there are six people playing, each player gets six sheets of paper.

Setup: Number each sheet in your stack. Then on the first one, write a phrase or sentence. Song lyrics, sayings, quotes, or random thoughts are all fine.

Play: After writing the sentence, each player passes their stack of papers clockwise. Upon receiving their new stack, each player reads the phrase on page one, moves page one to the bottom of the stack, and on page two, attempts to draw the phrase or sentence as best as possible.
When finished, that player leaves their drawing on top of the stack, and passes their stack to the right again, and the next player has to interpret the drawing as a sentence on page three. That player then moves the drawing to the bottom of the stack -leaving their sentence on top- and passes it again. Repeat passing the paper, alternating between writing a sentence or drawing, until the paper comes back to its originator. Leaf through your stack and have a hearty HAR at how your sentence changed as it was interpreted and re-interpreted by your fellow players.

Strategy: There is no way to win or lose, but there is a way to maximize hilarity in my opinion. 

1. Some phrases are pretty easy to represent visually, and tend to make it through the filter of players without much change. For instance, things like “Raining cats and dogs” and “Stop in the name of love” are likely to come back to their originator largely unscathed. And that is hardly a laugh at all, so what I prefer to do is-

2. Choose a phrase that you know will be very hard and see what fundamental truth you get about the universe. “Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire!” came back as "A True Catholic Sister Will Burn Your Balls Off". See? Words to live by!
Phrases involving colors are to be avoided, since it's pretty impossible to actually draw a color. And just like in regular Pictionary, the use of letters and numbers is not allowed.
Still not enough for you? Make it a drinking game. After all, it's not Monopoly.